This summer, our students embarked on a series of adventures straight out of the pages of a fairytale. Our young explorers journeyed through magical realms and thrilling quests around the city, guided by our legendary staff who made every moment extraordinary. Each experience this summer added a new chapter to their personal storybook, with their learning journeys continuing year-round and setting the stage for the tales yet to unfold.
Join us as we celebrate the wonder and joy of our summer journey through a storybook lens.
Our young artists from across the land prepared their most enchanting performances for our annual Cranium Crunch event, drawing inspiration from beloved tales like Snow White, Encanto, and Finding Nemo. With shimmering costumes and carefully crafted props, they brought these stories to life through dance and music.
Our students embarked on a magical journey to explore new lands. Their first stop was the captivating world of LEGOLAND, where they sailed the high seas on a pirate ship built from tiny bricks. The adventure continued at Sesame Place where they rode majestic horses on the merry-go-round.
Each week, our young swimmers took lessons at Lehman College, learning to move through water like the mermaids in our storybooks. The voyage continued for our underwater explorers with exciting trips to water parks this summer, where they stayed cool on waterslides and in wave pools. Our weekly water days added even more magic, with playful sprinkler games and water balloon battles.
Behind the scenes, our dedicated staff worked like fairy godmothers, ensuring every moment of our summer program was truly magical. They coached our young champions to triumph, assisted with costume designs for our dazzling performances, and planned exciting adventures for our young participants beyond their wildest dreams.
Tinkering unfolded in our classrooms as our young artisans joined forces to design and construct gravity-defying rollercoasters inspired by real-life theme parks. Using materials like cardboard, straws, and popsicle sticks, they brought their thrilling creations to life. The excitement didn’t end there—our imagineers also crafted bionic hands and dazzling pinwheels, transforming everyday items into whimsical inventions full of wonder.
Our students roamed through the Bronx Zoo, encountering monkeys, elephants, and butterflies as they ventured through a variety of habitats. Their journey continued at the American Museum of Natural History, where they got a close-up view of the past with ancient dinosaur skeletons, mammoths, and other extinct creatures.
This summer, our students played like knights on a noble quest at our annual basketball tournament, battling to claim the Mission Cup. When the final whistle blew, our students emerged victorious and the crowd erupted in cheers for these remarkable athletes who had risen to the challenge.