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Powered By Educators

Dear Mission Society Community,

Throughout my life, educators believed in my potential and showed me that I could thrive. They were my mentors, helping me build a solid foundation for both my learning journey and a future full of possibility. Every day, I hope that our programs can do the same for students across New York City. I want our schools to be filled with valuable opportunities, and our classrooms to be places where young people can envision their success – efforts that would not be possible without the compassionate and dedicated leadership of our Mission Society educators.

When we started considering how we were going to share our impact from 2022, these were the first thoughts that came to mind. I remembered the educators who made me who I am and the individuals that are championing our students today. To me, there was no better way to demonstrate all that we’ve accomplished, this past year and beyond, than to speak directly to the educators who are in our classrooms. They are on the frontlines of our work, ensuring that all young people have access to foundational academic enrichment, college and career counseling, and social and emotional support.

In the last year alone, 100 educators served over 2,000 students in our Power Academy and Level Up programs. They developed comprehensive arts, science, and literacy activities for our K-8 scholars that inspired creative expression, increased communication skills, and engaged young people in the world beyond our classrooms. Our schools were entirely in-person for the first time since the onset of COVID-19, asking educators to navigate the changing needs of students with sensitivity and care. For our high schoolers, staff organized informative college trips, facilitated a new year of paid internships for 200 students, and offered invaluable mentorship for graduates pursuing higher education.

This list does not even account for the daily interactions our educators have with students. These are some of the most impactful moments, where our staff can show young people they matter and that, through all the challenges and successes, there is someone unconditionally on their team.

We’re so excited to give our community this opportunity to meet nine Mission Society educators who gave us a closer look at their daily lives working in our schools and learning alongside our students. I am incredibly grateful to them, and to every member of our program staff, for ensuring that students are seen and supported. I hope you will join me in listening to their stories, and celebrating their ongoing achievements. With our team at the helm, we can confidently look forward to a long future of bringing educational opportunities to the young people of our city.


Elsie McCabe Thompson

President & CEO

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