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Summer programming at its best!

Updated: Mar 19, 2020

Thank you to all the teams, volunteers and interns that are allowing the students of P.S.192, P.S. 85, P.S. 33, P.S 175, and HVA discover the art within themselves.

#Fashion #Fashionista #Children #Students #summer #Camp #fun #Education
P.S. 192 Artwork from the fashion club

#paper #Airplanes #Selfworth #love #Children #Identity #Summer #Team #Camp #fashion #Students #Artistry #Art
Almadis, a group leader at PS 33, had students write about one thing that they love about themselves. She took photographs of students in different poses and the students added these pictures to paper airplanes.
#masterpieces #artwork #kindergarten #music #murals #puppets #fun #learning #artfestival #2k19
At P.S. 85 in one of the Kindergarten classrooms, students add to a mural each week. During the first week, they had to paint something that represented the music theme. Then, a student painted people sitting in a theater. This week, another student will add something to represent visual arts.

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